The Lagree Studio - Arbor Town Square

Dieses Unternehmen befindet sich in einer anderen Zeitzone.

Sicherheit & Hygiene

Sicherheitsrichtlinien wurden von The Lagree Studio bereitgestellt und zuletzt am 14.7.22 aktualisiert.

Strengere Hygienevorschriften

We have always gone above & beyond to offer you the safest & cleanest studio environment available since we first opened in 2014. All equipment is deeply cleaned & sanitized after each use and several times per day. sprays every 30 Days too. TLS is the 1st & only studio to use them.

Kontaktloses Einchecken

When you arrive at TLS, please let our staff or front desk associate know your name so that they may check you in. At this time, we do not accept any drop in clients. You must have a reservation and your name must be listed on our class list in order to take a class at TLS.

Nutzungsrichtlinien für Geräte

After each class, it is required that you wipe down your machine(s) that you use during your class at TLS. We do require full toe grip socks. You may bring your own grip socks or purchase them before your class at all three studio locations. We charge $17 per pair plus tax ($18.40).

Eingeschränkter Zugang zu Einrichtungen

At this time, we will not be using our lockers or our cubbies. There is a cubby located at each machine for your personal belongings and use. Please limit your belongings to necessities only. Thank you.

Empfohlen in Top-Kursen für


So., 2. Juni
Für diesen Tag sind keine Reservierungen verfügbar

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